List Pane
The List pane is on the left side of the application. It displays a list of the records pertinent to the module you are working in, for example, work orders, assets, tools, or inventory items. When you select a record in the list pane, details about the item selected appear in the Work Center.
At the top of the List pane is a module menu that allows you to switch between modules. When you select a new module, the Work Center does not refresh until you select a record to work with.
To the right of the module menu is an arrow button that opens the Expanded List view.
List Tab
The List tab displays all records for the given module. Above the list are column headers classifying the data displayed. To view additional columns, you can drag the border of the pane to the right to increase its size or click the List button in the toolbar to expand it to full screen. You can click a column header to sort the list by that column.
The List tab for assets displays as a hierarchical tree rather than a list with data columns.
If all the records cannot fit on the page, you can use the navigation controls at the bottom to skip to the next or previous page of records or to jump to a particular page.
You can modify the set of records displayed using the following tools:
Predefined Filter: Click
to select from a list of predefined filters to narrow the set of records displayed. For example, in the Work Order module, there are filters for open work orders, unassigned work orders, or closed work orders. In the Tools module, you can filter by automotive, electrical, or janitorial tools. The filter you select remains active until you select a different filter or click the Clear Criteria button. If you select a predefined filter and also set criteria, both are used to filter the list.
Refresh: Click
to refresh the results displayed in case the data has changed.
Favorites: Click
to display records that you have saved as a favorite.
The Favorites option does not work in the Asset List, but records marked as favorites can be retrieved.
Set Criteria: Click
to open a dialog box that allows you to define criteria to narrow your search. The criteria specified remain in place, even if you also select a predefined filter, until you clear the criteria. To define criteria for one or more fields, you can:
Select a value from the suggested list.
Click Select... to use a lookup to select a value.
Select (Not Specified) to return records that do not have a value for the selected field.
Once your criteria are defined, click the Apply button to use the filter.
Navigating Hierarchical List Tabs
Click the Expand button
next to a node.
The next level of items below that node displays.
Continue to expand levels until you find the record you want.
If you need to collapse a node, click the Collapse button
next to the node.
If you hover your cursor on the asset name, location or hierarchical information are displayed.
Click the record to open it.
The details regarding the selected asset are displayed in the Work Center.
Search Tab
The Search tab allows you to search for a particular set of records in the active module. For example, you could search for all work orders of a certain type, all assets in a location, or all purchase orders for a particular vendor. Unlike list filters you can perform a search on fields that are not connected to a lookup table. A search expression can be run by itself or can be used in conjunction with a currently specified filter.
Define a search:
Click the Search tab.
From the Search By field, select the name of the field to search in.
If you want to search by a user defined field value, select User-Defined Field and then use the dialog box to select the field.
If you want to search for a value in more than one field at a time, select Global Search. The fields that are searched depend on the module you are working in:
Work Order: Work Order # / ID, reason/description, Asset, Requester, Problem, Taken By, Assignee, Work Order Labor, Work Order Part.
Asset: Asset, Classification, Model, Asset Part, Serial #.
Inventory: Part, Description, Internal Part Number, Vendor Part Number.
Purchase Order: Purchase Order # / ID, Description, Vendor, Requester, Line Item Part.
Projects: Project ID, Name, Asset, Work Order ID.
Labor/Requesters / Contacts – ID/Name, Email.
In the Search Value field, enter the value you want to look for.
Searches are case-insensitive. By default, the system searches for records that start with the value specified. You can also precede your value with the following search operators:
%: Search for records that have the specified characters anywhere in the field, not just starting with.
=: Search for an exact match, not just starting characters.
>: Search for values greater than (for example priority > 1).
Clear the Use current criteria settings check box if you do not want to apply any of the filters from the List tab to your search.
You can click the blue current criteria hyperlink to view and/or edit the current criteria.
- Click
to run the search.
Drag and Drop from the List Pane
Records can be dragged from the List pane and dropped into the appropriate field in the Work Center. For example, if you are associating an asset with a work order you can drag the asset from the List pane onto the work order.
Drag and Drop an Asset onto a Work Order
Open the Asset List in the List pane.
There are several ways you can do this:
Double-click in the white area below the Asset/Location heading.
Click the Asset/Location Action button.
Select Assets from the menu in the List pane.
Locate the asset you want to add to the work order.
You can navigate the asset tree and/or use the search tools to find the right asset.
Drag the asset from the List pane to the Asset/Location pane of the work order on the work order Details page.
As you drag the asset, your cursor changes to indicate whether it is in a location where the asset can be dropped.
Drag and Drop onto a Lookup field.
This feature is supported for any field connected to a lookup (marked with ).
Open a list of records that can be dragged and dropped into the field, by doing one of the following:
Double-click the field.
Right-click the field and select List.
The appropriate records appear in the List pane.
Use the filter and/or search controls to locate the desired record.
Click icon preceding the record and drag it into the field.
To update the List pane to show the records associated with the original module, double-click in the white area of the Work Center.
Right-click menu
You can right-click on a record in a module list to open a menu of options.
The right-click menu for the Work Orders module list has the following options:
- Open: Opens the record in the WorkCenter on the right.
- Open in New Window: Opens the record in a new, separate window.
- Refresh: Refreshes data for the work order.
- Clone: Creates a cloned work order from the record selected.
- Close menu
The right-click menu for the Procedures module list has the following options:
- Open: Opens the record in the WorkCenter on the right.
- Open in New Window: Opens the record in a new, separate window.
- Share Procedure: Opens the Smart Share Manager to share the procedure with other MC users.
- Stop Sharing: Stops sharing a shared procedure via the Smart Share Manager.
- Close menu
The right-click menu for the Labor module list has the following options:
- Open: Opens the record in the WorkCenter on the right.
- Open in New Window: Opens the record in a new, separate window.
- Chat: If the person is currently online, opens a Chat tab in the Message Center and sends a chat request to them.
- Close menu
For other module lists, the right-click menu has the following options:
- Open: Opens the record in the WorkCenter on the right.
- Open in New Window: Opens the record in a new, separate window.
- Close menu
Expanded List and Search
Both the List and Search panes can operate in an expanded mode which allows the pane to expand to full screen, hiding the Work Center. To expand the pane to full screen, click the List button in the toolbar. Click it again to return to the normal view.
When the pane is full screen, additional features are available:
Expanded List: When the List tab is expanded, additional filters display at the top of the tab. These filters are module dependent. For example, in the Work Order module, you can filter by repair center, shop, target date, or assigned; in the Inventory module, you can filter by category, classification and manufacturer. If a custom list has been defined for this module, a Setup button displays to the right of the filter controls for any users with permission to modify the list.
Expanded Search: When the Search Tab is expanded, alphabetic tabs appear at the top allowing you to search for values starting with a particular letter. For example, in the Work Order module, you can search for all items whose procedure starts with the letter D.
If you double-click a record, the expanded view closes and the Work Center is again displayed.
Another unique feature of the expanded List and Search tabs is that they allow you to operate on multiple records at the same time. This is particularly helpful if you want to close multiple work orders, update multiple assets, or deny multiple purchase orders all at once.
Operate on multiple records:
Use the filters and or search criteria as needed to narrow the list of records displayed.
Select the records you want to operate on by:
To select a single record, click the check box preceding it.
To deselect a record, click the check box again to clear it.
To select all records on a page, click the large check mark above the column of check boxes or click Select Page on the right side of the toolbar.
To select all records on all pages, click Select All Pages on the right side of the toolbar.
Once all records have been selected, click a button to perform the desired operation.
Depending on the operation selected a dialog box may display asking for additional information. For example, if you want to update multiple records, you are asked which field to update; if you want to assign multiple work orders, you are asked who to assign them to.
To prevent you from closing work orders in error, the Complete/Close button is disabled when all pages of work orders are selected.
The Add/Remove Favorites button displays at the bottom of most pages to facilitate adding multiple records to your favorites.
A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.
Click OK.
You can view more data in the List pane by dragging the splitter bar (between the List pane and the WorkCenter). This does not access the Expanded List view, but it does allow you to view additional fields in the List pane.